
This blog is about finding time... time to draw and share. I live in London and work in publishing but also teach mindfulness-based stress reduction to general public groups. I also love writing - fiction and poetry - knitting, sewing, anything which involves making something. I used to do loads of drawing all the way through school but since then it's been harder and very much in fits and starts. I'm back into it now and that feels good.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cloud Studies in Watercolour Pencil

Stuck inside due to the strength of the winds and driving rain I decided just to play with the pencils and do some cloud studes. The clouds were quite dramatic and it was a struggle to get any sense of that without it looking heavy-handed. I was looking at some watercolours by Turner in a magazine this morning and the light he achieved was incredible. His colours are incredible - quite strong. So perhaps I'm being too prissy with it all and just need to keep on doing layers.... I liked doing the studies as there was no pressure to produce a 'picture'. It felt as if I was just experimenting and learning and that relaxed me much more I think. A bit like the grid does.


Blogger Marilyn said...

These are quite lovely!

8:27 PM  

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